Sunday 7 April 2013

PostDoc - 8 vacancies

Institute of Chemical Research
Tarragona, Spain
The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is a public foundation devoted to research in the field of chemistry. Research is centered in three main areas: Catalysis of the chemical processes, the Institute’s most extensive line of research, as a key technology for clean and sustainable production; supramolecular chemistry as an entry to molecular nanotechnology; and renewable energies with an approach from chemistry science. ICIQ’s headquarters are located in the Mediterranean city of Tarragona at 80 Km south from Barcelona in Spain, in a functional building with a build-up area of 12,800 sqm which accommodate 26 research laboratories, including 6 labs from ICIQ’s business incubator. It also comprises 7 research support laboratories and workshops managed by highly specialized technicians that give support to ICIQ research groups and industry collaborations: X-Ray Diffraction / High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) / Chemical Reaction Technologies / Chromatography / Thermal Analysis and Electrochemistry / Spectroscopy and Reaction Kinetics / Heterogeneous Catalysis / Photophysics / Glass Blowing and Mechanical Workshops. ICIQ employs 260 people, 80% of whom are scientific staff (researchers and technicians).
The ICIQ international postdoctoral mobility programme (ICIQ-IPMP) (, partially funded by the Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programme (COFUND) action of the European Commission, is addressed to highly talented and motivated experienced researchers to give them the opportunity to develop their research career at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ). The postdoctoral researchers have the opportunity to joint one of the research groups at the Institute, and follow an individual research project under the supervision and mentoring of an internationally renowned group leader. They have access to the Institute scientific facilities and scientific life and follow hands-on training activities on the use of scientific instrumentation. Training oriented to provide non-scientific skills are a fundamental aspect of the programme. The first call of the ICIQ international postdoctoral mobility programme (ICIQ-IPMP) ( consists of the following 8 positions for a two year postdoctoral stay:
Position 1: Computational Modeling of the Properties and Reactivity of Molecular Systems in Confined Spaces. Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Carles Bo
Position 2: Increasing Molecular Complexity by Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide. Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Arjan Kleij
Position 3: Chemical and Electrochemical Molecular Proton and CO2 Reduction Catalysis. Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Antoni Llobet
Position 4: Theoretical Simulations of Biomass Activation by Heterogeneous Catalysts. Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Núria López
Position 5: Metal-Catalyzed Carbon Dioxide Fixation into Organic Matter. Mentor/Supervisor: Dr. Rubén Martín
Position 6: Exploring Radical Reactivity with Asymmetric Aminocatalysis. Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Melchiorre
Position 7: Development of Methodology for the Stereoselective Synthesis of Aminosugars.
Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Kilian Muñiz
Position 8: Asymmetric Catalysis with Supported Systems for the Development of Continuous Flow Processes. Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Miquel À. Pericàs
The programme is open to researchers from any nationality that fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
a) Academic background: Candidates must hold a PhD at the time of the deadline for submission of applications. The PhD cannot be awarded more than four years before the deadline for submission of applications. Candidates who have performed the PhD thesis at the ICIQ will not be eligible.
b) Mobility: Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the 2 years immediately prior to the deadline for submission of applications.
More information and applications
Application Deadline: 04/06/2013
Application website:

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