Wednesday 10 April 2013

PostDoc - Next generation energy storage

Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering promotes research and education for sustainable development, for improved health and quality of life. Our research ranges from natural science and bioscience, applied chemistry and biotechnology to chemical engineering. Our educational programs are characterized by technological solutions for improving people’s everyday life, and are continuously developed for meeting and promoting societal and industrial development. We have approximately 380 employees, divided into five research divisions and one administrative unit. We are situated at campus Johanneberg. Our department is characterized by stimulation of world leading research, in an environment where people develop and create new knowledge. The research will be performed as a joint collaboration between one research group at the Division of Applied chemistry and another research group at the Division of Condensed matter physics. The Applied chemistry division carries out research in several areas within dry and wet surface chemistry and maintains a large activity in the area of nanomaterials research. The specific research group focuses on materials chemistry for energy and environmental applications with a special emphasis on nanostructured materials synthesis, structural characterisation and performance evaluation. The research group at Condensed matter physics has a very strong track record on spectroscopic characterisation and lithium battery research in general and in particular on the development of new materials concepts for lithium batteries.
The on-going electrification of the transport sector, the “electromobility” revolution, is a major driving force for energy storage breakthroughs. Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have the potential to radically change the field of electric energy storage. However, progress is limited by the limited cyclability of Li-S batteries. In this postdoc project we want to address this “stability challenge” by developing new materials based on sulfur-functionalised mesoporous carbons. The postdoc position includes synthesis and structural characterisation of new carbon-based materials, preparation and testing of these materials in real batteries and studying degradation mechanisms in situ and ex situ using various spectroscopic techniques. The candidate is expected to carry out analysis of results and develop conceptual models that describe the results and to communicate results in oral as well as written form. The work will include collaborations with other researchers in the two different research groups as well as with other international and national partners of the two groups.
The Post-doctoral position is an appointment that offers an opportunity to qualify for further research positions within academia or industry. The majority of your working time is devoted to your own research, as a member of the two research groups. Included in your work is also to take part in supervision of Ph.D. students and M.Sc thesis students. Teaching of undergraduate students may also be included to a small extent.
The applicant should be qualified in the areas of Materials synthesis, Structural characterisation of materials, Electrochemical characterisation, Battery or fuel cell research and have the ability to analyse results and present them orally and in the form of written scientific papers. Useful qualifications include Organic synthesis, Porous carbon synthesis and Li-S battery experience. A successful candidate should be motivated, flexible, ethical, personally mature, self-propelled, persevering, collaborative, quality conscious, creative, and exhibit strong problem-solving and linguistic analytical abilities. The applicant should have Ph.D. degree (normally not older than 3 years) preferably in either Materials science, Materials chemistry, Chemistry, Chemical engineering or Applied physics by the start of the appointment. A succesful candidate should demonstrate potential for cross-disciplinary research.
More information and applications
The application should be marked with Ref 20130093 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically
• Application: (Please name the uploaded document in ReachMee as: APPLICATION, family name, ref. number)
- CV, including list of publications,
- two reference persons who can be contacted by Chalmers (describe association with them and give their contact addresses),
- attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents.
• A letter of application detailing your specific qualifications for the position, (named: QUALIFICATIONS, family name, ref. number)
- maximum one A4 page
• Research description: (named: RESEARCH PLANS, family name, ref. number)
- 2-3 pages describing accomplished research and the plans for future research
Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. The files may be compressed (zipped).
Application deadline: 2013-05-07
For questions, please contact:
Prof. Anders Palmqvist, Applied Chemistry,, +46 31-772 2961
Prof. Aleksandar Matic, Condensed Matter Physics,, +46 31-772 5176
Prof. Per Jacobsson, Condensed Matter Physics,, +46 31-772 3427

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