Wednesday 24 April 2013

PostDoc - Energy research

Energy Research Institute of Catalonia
Barcelona, Spain
The Energy Storage group at the Advanced Materials for Energy Area of IREC, lead by Prof. J.R. Morante,  announces a Postdoctoral Reseach Position available for a highly motivated candidate to work in the EU-FP7 project CEOPS (CO2-Loop for Energy storage and conversion to Organic chemistry Processes through advanced catalytic Systems, FP7-NMP-2012-309984) as well as other projects in this field of activities. CEOPS is a NMP-FP7 European project devoted to a sustainable approach for the production of methanol from CO2, which is a precursor for fine chemicals products. In particular, the project will investigate advanced photo-activated catalysts and reactors, for the partial photooxidation of methane to methanol.
Candidate must have a Bachellor degree in Chemistry, Physics, Material Science or equivalent and have completed a doctorate in a related field: photocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, synthesis of mesoporous metal oxides, electrochemistry or valorisation of carbon dioxide. CV must additionally reflect candidate’s experience on the synthesis of semiconductors, gas and liquid analysis for reaction monitoring and characterisation techniques.
More information and applications
Interested candidates should send a detailed CV and motivation letter to Dr. Teresa Andreu (
Deadline for applications: 3th May 2013
Duration of the contract: until 31th January 2015, possible 1-year extension

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