Thursday 14 March 2013

PostDoc - Solar System Impact Processes

University of Kent
Kent, UK


We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science in the School of Physical Sciences to start April 2013 or asap thereafter. The work will support an STFC grant for "Solar System Impacts" awarded to support research by Prof. Burchell and Dr. Mark Price for 2013 - 2016. You will work in the hypervelocity impact laboratory, conducting impact experiments relevant to impact cratering and impact disruption or structure and composition of minor solar system bodies (e.g. comets or asteroids), shock synthesis and destruction of organic molecules, impact experiments on ices and development of new impact and dust sensor technologies.


You will hold a PhD or equivalent in a topic relevant to laboratory studies of minor bodies in the solar system and/or high strain rate impacts.

More information and applications

The post will be based in Canterbury, Kent in the Centre for Astronomy and Planetary Science:

Start date for applications: 21 February 2013
Closing date for applications: 25 March 2013
To apply for this post (please do not send your application directly to the department) see:

where further details of the post are available. Informal details are available from Professor Burchell ( or Dr. Price (

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