Sunday 7 April 2013

PostDoc - Tumor neo-vascularization events

Granada, Spain
GENYO ( is the first national centre devoted to genomics that integrates Public Administration, University and the biotechnology and pharmaceutical business sector, which intends to integrate multidisciplinary research in all its phases, from the generation of knowledge to its development in clinical and pharmaceutical applications, the development of new projects and services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated to human genetic variability, such a cancer and rare diseases, diabetes, hypertension or degenerative diseases, among others. The centre has been designed with the aim of becoming an international benchmark centre, where excellence research is performed in the space of convergence and interaction of genomics applied to health. The laboratory of Proteases and Extracellular Matrix, leaded by Dr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque seeks motivated postdoctoral researchers to apply for international funding opportunities, including various modalities of Marie Curie Fellowships. This research group is integrated in the Genomic Oncology Area of GENYO, and the project to develop will focus on studies to determine the role of extracellular proteases (such as ADAMTS and related) in tumor neo-vascularization events. Recent studies are consolidating the existence of tumor plasticity phenomena such as the transdifferentiation of tumour into endothelial-like cells, with relevant consequences for metastasis progression and the appearance of resistance mechanisms to anti-angiogenic therapies. Consequently, the characterization of tumor neo-vasculature requires new approaches. These studies include a comprehensive analysis of the tumor microenvironment, both at the cellular and molecular level, together with the development of complex cellular and mouse models to evaluate angiogenesis and tumor plasticity.
Applicants must be experienced researchers in cellular and molecular biology with a doctoral degree in biomedicine. Previous work with tumor mouse models and angiogenesis assays would be positively considered.
More information and applications
For any further scientific information, please contact Dr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque (

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