Saturday 6 April 2013

PostDoc - Superconducting detectors for SAFARI/SPICA

Madrid, Spain
The SPICA mission is planned as a continuation of the Japanese AKARI and the HERSCHEL mission from the European Space Agency in the far and mid infrared. Besides the telescope contribution from ESA, European institutions have been involved actively in SPICA through SAFARI (SpicA FAr infraRed Instrument) that will contribute with an image spectrometer in the far infrared, from 30 to 210 µm. Spain, through CAB-INTA-CSIC and IMM-CSIC has participated actively from its creation 5 years ago in SPICA. Under this contribution to SAFARI/SPICA it is necessary to hire immediately a physics PhD in charge of the electromagnetic design of superconducting detectors and its cryogenic characterization. We are searching for a Physics Ph.D with experience in superconductivity that will be in charge of:
1. - Electromagnetic design of superconducting Kinetic Inductor Detectors, KIDs, including design of absorbers and antennas for the efficient reception of radiation.
2. - Fabrication, in the Micro and Nanofabrication facilities at the IMM-CSIC by optical lithography and thin film deposition using Ultra High Vacuum magnetron sputtering of KID device structures.
3. - Low temperature characterization of detectors and absorbers and antennae. This part of the project will be carried out at the dilution refrigerator existing at the CAB-INTA-CSIC facilities
- PhD or equivalent in Physics
- Very good level of Englsih
- Demonstrated research experience in superconductivity.
More information and applications
For additional job details please contact Jose L. Costa Krämer at
Application Deadline: 30/04/2013

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