Tuesday 9 April 2013

PostDoc - Corot space mission

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Tenerife, Spain


The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC, Tenerife, Spain) invites applications for ONE postdoctoral contract within the framework of the project entitled “Participation of the IAC in the CoRoT space mission” (AYA2012-39346-C02-02, PI: Dr. Hans J. Deeg).  For this project, we are coordinating the ground based photometric follow-up of CoRoT’s extrasolar planet-candidates, to which we contribute with frequent own observations, and are performing in-depth characterizations of detected planets. IAC is one of the leading research centers in Spain, covering theoretical and observational research and instrumentation across most areas of Astrophysics. The Spanish Government has selected it as a “Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence” in research. The successful candidate will have access to all observational and computing facilities in the Canary Islands, including the 10.4m GTC. Funding for travel to meetings and for relocation to Tenerife is available.


The candidate must have a doctorate in astrophysics or related fields. Experience in photometric astronomical observations and in the study of extrasolar planets is highly valued.
The appointee will lead the IAC's observations for the ground-based CoRoT follow-up and participate in the astrophysical analysis of CoRoT data. The appointee is also encouraged to develop own research lines, preferably centered on the detection or characterization of exoplanets or on stellar variability studies.

More information and applications

Remuneration: The gross annual salary is 32,886 €
Duration: Two years and six months.
The application procedure is explained on the web site. All documents, including the recommendation letters, must be received before the application deadline: 30th April 2013. Details of the selection process, including the list of applicants, will be published on the web; successful candidates will also be informed by e-mail.

Email: secinv@iac.es
Email Address for Inquiries: secinv@iac.es

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