Monday 1 April 2013

PhD - Ecology - 6 vacancies

Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research
Leipzig, Germany
The Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), the University of Leipzig (UL), the Martin-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg(MLU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) offer within the framework of the Helmholtz Research School for Ecosystem Services under Changing Landuse and Climate (ESCALATE) and the Research Academy Leipzig 6 Doctoral Positions (code digit 24/2013)  The Helmholtz Research School ESCALATE provides the environment for interdisciplinary doctoral projects, addressing and linking the ecological, economic and social aspects of ecosystem service research. The young scientists trained in ESCALATE will be able to develop, implement and conduct interdisciplinary projects in different types of institutes, such as in research, non-governmental organizations, or NGO consultancy agencies. Fellows will attend lectures and seminars on a broad range of interdisciplinary topics in the field of ecosystem service research and conduct their project in an international and integrative working environment. The following topics are offered:
1. From biodiversity to traits to functions to services: application of the ecosystem service framework to Central European forests. (Prof.Helge Bruelheide, MLU)
2. Economic valuation of biodiversity: what should be considered and how? (Prof. Bernd Hansjürgens, UFZ)
3. Governance, land use dynamics and their impacts on ecosystem services under climate change. (Dr. Jörg Priess, UFZ)
4. A dynamic model of urban ecosystem services, residential mobility and real estate markets. (Dr. Nina Schwarz, UFZ)
5. Ecosystem services assessment in a Central European flood plain forest: an ecosystem approach using reflective and thermal remote sensing data. (Prof. Christian Wirth, UL; Prof. Michael Vohland, UL)
6. Efficiency of protection and conservation measures in environmental management based on eco-system service assessments. (Prof. RalfSeppelt, UFZ)
More information and applications
Detailed information on the positions and their specific requirementsfor job applications are given at or by the coordinator of ESCALATE (michael.beckmann[at] and should be carefully taken into account before applying to one or more of the positions. Dependent on the position, doctoral students are remunerated either via TVöD E13 (50%) or via Doktorandenförderplatz (WHK). Enthusiastic applicants with good English and/or German language knowledge should send a letter of motivation (not more than one page), describing research interests and relevant experience for one chosen topic, CV, references and certificates under code digits 24/2013, preferably in electronic form, to the UFZ personnel department, E-Mail:, P.O. box 500136, D-04318 Leipzig, Germany. Please also indicate the number and title of the chosen topic in the subject field of your E-Mail. Applications are accepted until April 21st 2013.

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