Monday 15 April 2013

PhD - Astronomy - 3 vacancies

Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden
The department of astronomy at Stockholm University announces the availability of three fully funded, 4-year PhD student positions. The department consists of about 10 faculty, 10 postdocs, and more than 20 PhD students, with a large range of nationalities. Research areas stretch from the Sun to the distant Universe. Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and is both a beautiful and lively city. English is commonly used both at the department and in daily life. The three positions will be in the following fields:
1) Solar Physics (observational)
2) Supernova studies (observational/theoretical)
3) Galaxy formation & evolution (observational)
PhD projects require the ability to work independently in addition to collaborative skills and creative thinking. Since the research is typically part of international collaborations good oral and written communication skills in English are required. The positions are open to students of all nationalities who at the start of the position have the equivalent of a Master's degree in astronomy or physics. The starting date for the positions are flexible from immediate to November 2013.
More information and applications
Applicants will be considered for all three subjects, but are welcome to indicate a preference. Details on the application procedure will appear at:
The deadline for applications is 2 May, 2013. For more information, please contact

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