Sunday 24 March 2013

PostDoc - Biomedicine

Institute for Research in Biomedicine
Barcelona, Spain
IRB Barcelona is a self-standing, non-profit institution devoted to basic and applied biomedical research. It was set up in 2005 jointly by the Government of Catalonia and the University of Barcelona and is located at the Barcelona Science Park. The institute currently has more than 425 members (scientific, technical and administrative staff) from all over the world, who work across disciplines to advance research in the biomedical sciences. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Design, Synthesis and Structure of Peptides and Proteins Group at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). The successful candidate will study soluble amyloid protein, Aβ, oligomers associated to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Soluble Aβ oligomers are considered the pathogenic molecular form of Aβ in AD. However, to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies that target brain-derived Aβ oligomers its structure and aggregation properties need to be characterized. Since only a small amount of sample can be obtained from human brains, we have recently established methodologies to prepare well-defined, synthetic cross-linked Aβ oligomers. Within this project, we aim to establish whether our synthetic, cross-linked Aβ oligomers are good mimics of brainderived Aβ oligomers. To this end, we will compare the chemical, structural and toxic properties of synthetic, cross-linked Aβ oligomers to those of natural, brain-derived Aβ oligomers.
Candidates should be highly motivated, enthusiastic about science, with an ability to think creatively and work independently. Experience in the isolation of protein aggregates—ideally, of Aβ from cell cultures and brain samples will be positively evaluated. Neurotoxic characterization will be carried out in collaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Eduardo Soriano at the University of Barcelona.
More information and applications
To apply, please send a cover letter summarizing your past experience, research interests and career goals and CV including the names and contact information of 2-3 references via email to:
Dr. Natàlia Carulla:
Please indicate the offer reference PD/13/02 in the subject message

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