Tuesday 26 March 2013

Forest Remote Sensing

The Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information
Vienna, Austria
The Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information (IVFL) deals with the use of Earth Observation data and other geodata for characterizing and monitoring the land surface for applications in forestry, agriculture and for natural resource management. Our activities are mostly carried out in a multidisciplinary context, both in and outside the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU, Vienna). You conduct research in the area of forest related remote sensing within the frame of externally funded research projects. You develop and apply methods for mapping relevant parameters in forests using various optical data sources with different spectral and geometric resolution (for example related to the regionalization of point measurements, the monitoring of tree vitality and/or the mapping of tree species and age classes). You help publishing the results of your research in international peer-reviewed journals and to present research on national/international conferences
You possess a Master degree in Geosciences, Geography, Natural Resource Management, Forestry, Agronomy or related field. You have significant practical experience in the use of optical remote sensing data. You are highly interested in scientific research questions and you are creative. You possess experience in digital image processing and have a good knowledge in ERDAS Imagine or similar software for digital image processing (e.g. IDL-Envi). Perhaps you have some experience in programming (e.g. R, Matlab or IDL) and worked already in similar projects. In the ideal case, you have good analytical skills and are used working in a structured and goal-oriented manner.
More information and applications
We offer an inspiring, young and international working environment. You will be employed initially for a period of two years with the possibility of extension. Salary and conditions will be in accordance to the Austrian Univ-KV. Gross monthly salary depends on your working experience and will be at least € 2.532 (payed 14 times per year). Additional social benefits are offered as well as programs for personal development. The position has to be filled as soon as possible, not later than 1. June 2013. Additional information about this position can be obtained from Markus Immitzer (markus.immitzer@boku.ac.at) and Prof.Dr. Clement Atzberger (boku13031@earhworks-jobs.com). You are also invited to visit our homepage: http://www.rali.boku.ac.at/h857-forschung.html and http://ivfl-info.boku.ac.at/index.php/our-goals Interested candidates are invited to send their letter of application and detailed CV before 22 April 2013.

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